How much card costs to play
The border determines how rare the card is. Common, Rare, Mythic and Diamond.
7 Elements offer unique synergies, combos and interesting gameplay.
How much damage this card will deal to other cards.
Special effects, buffs, area damage, and powerful combos.
The amount of damage this card can take before dying.

- You start with 60 HP, if this reaches 0, you lose.
- You start with 5 cards, every turn you draw another.
- You start with 1 mana, every turn you gain 1 maximum mana, up to 10.
- Every turn this mana refreshes back to full.
- Mana is used to play cards on the field.
- Once a card is on the field, it must wait one turn before attacking.
- Every turn, each of your cards on the field can attack an enemy card or the enemy player.
- Attacking an enemy card will damage the defending card, and cause retaliation damage back to the attacker.
- Cards are sent to the graveyard if they reach 0 HP.
- Utilize powerful abilities, elemental bonus damage, and evolutions.
- Overwhelm your opponent before they overwhelm you.
Play Cards
Place a card down onto the board, this will cost you mana equivalent to what you see on the card

Use Abilities
Abilities are generally triggered as soon as you lay a card on the board, if your ability requires a target a red target will appear, be sure to select either an enemy or friendly champion to inflict with the ability

Attack Opponent
Drag champions onto your opponent or opponent's cards in order to deal damage, you must kill your opponent to win the game

A tempo color using like Whirlwind and Tempest. Also utilizes Windseeker to seek out evolutions.
Specializes a in aggro and burn decks. Abilities like Vortex and Icicle can deal quick and heavy damage. Also can utilize tsunami and hydroblast to maintain some board control.
Specializing in support and midrange with abilities like greed (draw), provoke, and rush.
Specializes in control and aggro with abilities like raise dead, hex, and curse. Willing to self inflict damage to maintain board advantage.
A control color using board clears like Earthquake and Fungal Spores. Also utilizes lifebloom and Regrowth to heal friendly units.
A midrange color utilizing abilities like Bless to increase damage and retribution to control the board.
A midrange color that can go very heavy aggro with abilities like combustion or sit back and try to control with wildfire and inferno. May the RNG gods be on your side.
Evolutions are the key mechanic in Champions of Otherworldly Magic. To trigger an evolution players must build their deck with champions from the same evolution line. Once a champion has been in play for 1 turn, it's evolution can replace the current card in play for only 1 mana. Evolutions also allow the player to draw an additional card from the top of their deck.

If a card can be summoned via evolution, it will have a green border around it.

Queue up against fellow players and compete in epic PvP battles. Daily Rewards for 2+ wins.

Build your deck by choosing 1 card from 5 randomly presented cards. Repeat 35 times. Enter into a queue with your "Arena Deck" to compete PvP with other players.

Traditional draft style. Enter into a tournament with 4 sealed packs, select one card from your 1st pack and pass it to your left. Keep all cards drafted.

Free-to-enter tournaments running daily for $75 and $500 prizes

Enchant packs using elemental and power shards.
Base Elemental Warfare Pack

Contains 10 random cards
Dark Elemental Warfare Pack

Contains 10 random Dark cards
Mythic Dark Elemental Warfare Pack

Contains 10 random dark Mythic cards