
Heroes are special charactors in Champions of Otherworldly Magic used to build Decks. All constructed Decks require one Hero and that Hero determines what Element Cards can be used in that Deck. Heroes also have strong and unique passive and abilities that can change the course of battle!

Aethonar, The Great Weaver

Aethonar, The Great Weaver

Active - Summon 2 Fyushas (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning an Aethonar [755] Card

Valid Elements Normal
Champion [755]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Aldric Soyhammer, Divine Crusader

Aldric Soyhammer, Divine Crusader

Passive - If you have 2 or more Light Champions on the field, Your Aldric Soyhammer is Indestructible (Damage that would normally destroy it, does not) Active - Summon 1 Soyhammer's Horn (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning an Aldric Soyhammer [751] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Light
Champion [751]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Ankhia, The White

Ankhia, The White

Passive - All friendly Champions with Light of Aldric have +2/+0 Active - Summon 1 Chromatia (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning an Ankhia [714] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Light
Champion [714]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Arbor, Wild Spirit

Arbor, Wild Spirit

Passive - Your Nature damage has +2 against Air Champions. Your Air damage has +2 against Water Champions

This is a free Hero

Valid Elements Normal, Nature, Air
Rarity Common
In Standard Yes
Azrakul, Infernal Warden

Azrakul, Infernal Warden

Passive - Your Dark damage has +2 against Light Champions. Your Fire damage has +2 against Nature Champions

This is a free Hero

Valid Elements Normal, Dark, Fire
Rarity Common
In Standard Yes
Blackfin, Shadow of the Deep

Blackfin, Shadow of the Deep

Passive - Your Dark damage has +2 against Light Champions. Your Water damage has +2 against Fire Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Dark, Water
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Bofa Tinkertime, Never Late

Bofa Tinkertime, Never Late

Active - Summon 1 Fuku (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Bofa Tinkertime [716] Card

Valid Elements Normal
Champion [716]
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Boris, Protector of Innocence

Boris, Protector of Innocence

Passive - Morris, Doris and Boris have +3/+3 Active - Summon a random Morris or Doris (4 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Boris [956] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Nature
Champion [956]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Cheezus, The Risen

Cheezus, The Risen

Active - Deal 4 damage to all Champions on the field (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Cheezus [807] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Light
Champion [807]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Cindersky, Maelstrom of Flame

Cindersky, Maelstrom of Flame

Passive - Your Fire damage has +2 against Nature Champions. Your Air damage has +2 against Water Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Fire, Air
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Croakus, The Swamp Herald

Croakus, The Swamp Herald

Passive - Your Nature damage has +2 against Air Champions. Your Water damage has +2 against Fire Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Nature, Water
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Elderbark, Keeper of Secrets

Elderbark, Keeper of Secrets

Active - Summon 1 Fonteria (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning an Elderbark [747] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Nature
Champion [747]
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Elementius, All is One

Elementius, All is One

Passive - You may use any Element Card in your Deck. You can no longer cast any Evolutions and start with 40HP

This is a free Hero

Valid Elements All
Rarity Common
In Standard Yes
Elowen, Guardian of Life

Elowen, Guardian of Life

Passive - Your Light damage has +2 against Dark Champions. Your Nature damage has +2 against Air Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Light, Nature
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Emberwood, The Blazing Sentinel

Emberwood, The Blazing Sentinel

Passive - Your Fire damage has +2 against Nature Champions. Your Nature damage has +2 against Air Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Fire, Nature
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Evelyn Tyr, Goddess of Wind

Evelyn Tyr, Goddess of Wind

Passive - Cards you play that cost 5 or more Mana have Whirlwind (X) where X is the Life of the Card minus 1

Unlock this Hero by owning an Evelyn Tyr [978] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Air
Champion [978]
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Gabenor, The Traveler

Gabenor, The Traveler

Passive - Fire Champions have -2/-0 Active - Summon 1 Norti and 1 Trubble (6 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Gabenor [976] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Water
Champion [976]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Gemini, Pure Elemental

Gemini, Pure Elemental

Passive - Your Genetic Split can summon any Element Evolution

Unlock this Hero by owning a Gemini [958] Card

Valid Elements Normal
Champion [958]
Rarity Common
In Standard Yes
Glimmerbat, The Unobtainable

Glimmerbat, The Unobtainable

Passive - Champions with no ability have +2/+2

Unlock this Hero by owning a Glimmerbat [722] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Light
Champion [722]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Glimmerokk, The Golden

Glimmerokk, The Golden

Active - Summon 1 Tantruk and 1 Bouldo (6 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Glimmerokk [957] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Light
Champion [957]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Incendium, The Red Dragon

Incendium, The Red Dragon

Active - Summon 1 Messik (3 Mana, 10 Life)

Unlock this Hero by owning an Incendium [975] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Fire
Champion [975]
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Inferno, The Ashen Lord

Inferno, The Ashen Lord

Passive - You have Wildfire (1)

Unlock this Hero by owning an Inferno [701] Card

Valid Elements Fire
Champion [701]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Juju Winterspear, Icemaw Chieftain

Juju Winterspear, Icemaw Chieftain

Active - Summon 1 Spooki (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Juju Winterspear [750] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Water
Champion [750]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Kesi, Daughter of the Winds

Kesi, Daughter of the Winds

Active - Whirlwind all Cards under 5hp back to your opponents hand (including your Cards) (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Kesi [749] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Air
Champion [749]
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Lilia Necrox, Queen of Pain

Lilia Necrox, Queen of Pain

Active - Create a copy of any target Champion (Sacrifice 1 Champion, 5 mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Lilia Necrox [974] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Dark
Champion [974]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Lilith, Princess of Hell

Lilith, Princess of Hell

Passive - Self Destruct doesn't do friendly damage

Unlock this Hero by owning a Lilith [982] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Fire
Champion [982]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Lucien, The Radiant Flame

Lucien, The Radiant Flame

Passive - Your Light damage has +2 against Dark Champions. Your Fire damage has +2 against Nature Champions

This is a free Hero

Valid Elements Normal, Fire, Light
Rarity Common
In Standard Yes
Luna Everglow, The Forest Whisperer

Luna Everglow, The Forest Whisperer

Passive - All friendly Champions with Lifebloom have +1/+1 Active - Lifebloom (10) (6 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Luna Everglow [675] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Nature
Champion [675]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Lyria, Breeze of the Ocean

Lyria, Breeze of the Ocean

Passive - Your Water damage has +2 against Fire Champions. Your Air damage has +2 against Water Champions

This is a free Hero

Valid Elements Normal, Air, Water
Rarity Common
In Standard Yes
Madeleine, Queen of Waves

Madeleine, Queen of Waves

Passive - Your Tsunami deals 1 additional damage to all affected Champions Active - Summon 1 Steadi (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Madeleine [746] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Water
Champion [746]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Nazur, Death's Advance

Nazur, Death's Advance

Passive - All friendly Champions with Soul Reaper have +1/+1 Active - Summon 1 Nife (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Nazur [593] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Dark
Champion [593]
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Posideus, Lord of Atlantia

Posideus, Lord of Atlantia

Passive - Your Light damage has +2 against Dark Champions. Your Water damage has +2 against Fire Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Light, Water
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Saatana, The Fallen One

Saatana, The Fallen One

Passive - Fire Champions have Armoured (1)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Saatana [666] Card

Valid Elements Fire
Champion [666]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Scaldor, Flame of the Seas

Scaldor, Flame of the Seas

Passive - Your Fire damage has +2 against Nature Champions. Your Water damage has +2 against Fire Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Fire, Water
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Seraph, Angel of Wealth

Seraph, Angel of Wealth

Passive - Whenever you draw, draw an additional 2 Cards. Skip your draw at the start of your turns Active - Summon 1 Bizniz (4 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Seraph [743] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Light
Champion [743]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Seraphyx, Paradox of Heaven

Seraphyx, Paradox of Heaven

Passive - Your Light damage has +2 against Dark Champions. Your Dark damage has +2 against Light Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Dark, Light
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Shadriel, The Twilight Storm

Shadriel, The Twilight Storm

Passive - Your Dark damage has +2 against Light Champions. Your Air damage has +2 against Water Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Dark, Air
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Shinkoku, Guardian of the Rice Fields

Shinkoku, Guardian of the Rice Fields

Active - Summon 1 Normie and 1 Sluggernaut (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Shinkoku [667] Card

Valid Elements Normal
Champion [667]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Skibidi, Brainrot Incarnate

Skibidi, Brainrot Incarnate

Active - Mud Flood X Turdies where X is the number of times you have used this ability (3 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Skibidi [817] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Nature
Champion [817]
Rarity Common
In Standard Yes
Soulrend, Scythe of the Damned

Soulrend, Scythe of the Damned

Passive - Your Equip Champions have Greed in addition to their other abilities Active - Add a random Equip Champion to your Hand (3 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Soulrend [740] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Dark
Champion [740]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Thalas, Void Speaker

Thalas, Void Speaker

Passive - Your Fangz have Otherworldly in addition to any other abilities Active - Summon 1 Fangz (3 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Thalas [752] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Dark
Champion [752]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Thor, Forger of Lightning

Thor, Forger of Lightning

Passive - At the start of your turn, Zap one random enemy Champion or Player

Unlock this Hero by owning a Thor [753] Card

Valid Elements Air
Champion [753]
Rarity Mythic
In Standard Yes
Urgok, The Eradicator

Urgok, The Eradicator

Passive - Your Obliterate triggers an additional time Active - Destroy the highest attack Creature on the field (6 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning an Urgok [744] Card

Valid Elements Normal
Champion [744]
Rarity Common
In Standard Yes
Valeria, The Dawnbringer

Valeria, The Dawnbringer

Passive - Your Light damage has +2 against Dark Champions. Your Air damage has +2 against Water Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Light, Air
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Venomicius, Green with Envy

Venomicius, Green with Envy

Active - Summon 1 Splora (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Venomicius [977] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Nature
Champion [977]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Virella, Corrupted Bloom

Virella, Corrupted Bloom

Passive - Your Dark damage has +2 against Light Champions. Your Nature damage has +2 against Air Champions

Unlock this Hero by completing a quest

Valid Elements Normal, Dark, Nature
Rarity Rare
In Standard Yes
Vorthis, Ender of Epochs

Vorthis, Ender of Epochs

Passive - Restore +1 health for each friendly death Active - Sacrifice all friendly champions and gain Life equivalent to the total sacrificed Card Life (0 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Vorthis [754] Card

Valid Elements Normal, Dark
Champion [754]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes
Wagyu, Tasty Samurai

Wagyu, Tasty Samurai

Active - Summon 1 Norwarth Castle (5 Mana)

Unlock this Hero by owning a Wagyu [777] Card

Valid Elements Normal
Champion [777]
Rarity Diamond
In Standard Yes