Discover the game-changing powers that shape the battlefield in Champions TCG

Immune to all Damage, breaks the first time any Damage is taken.

On Death: Summon (x) Fonteria.

Damage this Card takes is reduced by (x)

Damage a random friendly Card for 3, draw a Card.

When this Card takes Damage, it gains (x) attack. (Default 4)

Increase the attack of any Card by (x). (Default 3)

Freeze any Card for 1 turn. Frozen Cards cant attack or evolve, and do no retaliation Damage.

If you have ever had 4 or more Mana, this Card's base stats are permanently doubled.

Deal 6 Damage to anything, you take 6 Damage.

Add (x) random cards of this element to your hand.

Destroy opponent's lowest health Champion.

Reduce the Attack and HP of any Card by (x). (Default 2)

Death Wish
Lose 60 Life, Play your entire hand for no mana cost, Draw 9.

Deep Freeze
Enemy Player cant draw or play any Cards next turn.

Evolve a Card back 1 Evolution

If you have more than 10 HP remaining, this Card dies when it enters the field.

Divine Equilibrium
Gain 1 extra mana for this turn. Immune to all direct ability targeting.

Divine Protection
You cant take direct Player Damage until your next turn.

Double Strike
This Card can attack an additional time.

Damage all Cards except this Card for (x). (Default 2)

Elemental Aegis
When this Card enters the field, it gains a stack of Aegis for each Card of the same Element on your field.

Elemental Fury
This Card can attack an additional time for each other Card of the same Element on your field.

Elemental Guard
While this Card is on the field, all Cards of this same Element on your field have Guard.

Your Champions of this element do +(x) damage to the opponent and their Champions. (Default 1).

On Death: Heal the lowest health Player for 12.

Equip: Fruit Splash
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Infinite Strike
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Lifesteal
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Light of Aldric
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Ocean's Wrath
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Otherworldly
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Provoke
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Regrowth
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Retribution
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Rush
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Self Destruct
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Shatter
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Soul Reaper
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

Equip: Wildfire
Gives an ability to the targeted card.

When Morris and Doris are on the field, Boris gains Rush, Rock Solid, and Infinite Strike.

This Card gains HP equal to the 3x the amount of Cards on the enemy field when summoned.

Fruit Splash
On Death: Summon 2 Glowfruit.

Fungal Spores
Deal 5 Damage to all Cards with 5 HP or less.

Genetic Split
After this Card deals direct Player Damage, it creates a random evolution based on your current hero.

When this Card enters the Battlefield, move the top Card from your opponent's Graveyard to your Hand.

Draw 1 Card, If you have no Cards on the field, draw 2.

Immune to enemy direct ability targeting.

At the end of your turn, destroy the highest attack enemy Champion with Life less than this Card's attack and put a random Lily into your Hand, then +2/+0 this Card.

Add a random Lily to your hand.

On Death: Summon a Hatchling. Can also evolve into any Card of the same Element.

Turn any Card into a random Card with 3 HP or less.

Holy War
While this Card is on the field, every Light Card on your field gains +4/+4, and Rush.

Honk Honk
Play a horn, then lose the Game.

Deal 7 Damage to any Card on the field with 7 or more HP.

Deal (x) Damage to anything.

Damage (x) random enemy Cards, and this Card, for 1-7 Damage. (Default 2)

Infinite Strike
This Card can attack again if it just attacked an enemy Card.

At the end of your turn, the opponent loses (x) life and you gain (x) life.

Increase the HP of any Card or any Player by (x). (Default 4)

This Card gains HP equal to the Damage it does.

Light of Aldric
Whenever this card would die, ignore that death and reset it's stats. This only occurs once.

Lightning Rod
Deal 5 damage to enemy Champion with the most power.

Lucky Gust
Discard your hand and draw that many Cards +1.

Mass Bless
Increase the attack of your Champions by 3.

Mass Blizzard
Freeze all enemy Champions.

Mass Curse
All enemy Champions get -2/-2

Mass Hydroblast
Deal 7 damage to each enemy Champion with 7 or more health.

Mass Purify
Purify all Champions.

Mass Slay
Destroy all damaged enemy Champions.

Mud Flood
Shuffle (x) Turdies into the enemies deck.

When this dies, create (x) 0/1 Eggs of it's element. (Default 1)

Remove a Card and all copies of it from the Game.

Ocean's Wrath
At the start of each of your turns: Summon a Dreadfin, Krakapuss, or Abyssalysk.

Buff all Cards on your field that match this Element, equal to the mana cost of this Card.

Extra Damage hits the enemy Player directly.

Force the enemy to attack and target this Card.

Swap the HP and Attack of any Card, then increase the HP of this Card by the difference.

Reset a target Card back to its base stats and prevent any of it's effects from triggering.

Quantum Shift
Swap this Card with the lowest HP Card on the enemy field.

Raise Dead
Lose (x) life, then resurrect the Card on top of your graveyard. (Default 6)

Give your Champions of this element +2/+2. When you play another Champion of this element, give it +2/+2.

When this Card enters the field, Summon 2 Nortis.

On Death: Increase the HP of all your Cards on the field, and yourself, by (x). (Default 3)

On Death: Damage every Card on the enemy field for (x). (Default 4)

Every time this Card attacks the enemy Player, you gain 1 mana.

Rising Waters
Gains +1/+1 whenever any Card enters the field.

Rock Solid
Immune to retaliation Damage.

Can attack as soon as it's summoned.

Sand Storm
Blind all Cards on the enemy field for one turn, they cannot attack.

Self Destruct
At the start of each turn: Damage both Players for (x).

On Death: Summons 2 Icecoobs.

This Card cannot be directly targeted or attacked until it attacks the first time.

When this Card takes any non fatal Damage, it's returned to your Hand.

After one full turn: Destroy all Cards on the field, this Card gets +4/+4 for each Card destroyed.

Kill a Damaged Card.

On Death: Summon 3 Luci's.

Soul Reaper
When any other Card dies, this Card gains (x) Attack and HP. (Default 1)

Draw the top Card of the enemy deck.

Storm Caller
When this Card attacks, all Air Cards on your field gain +(x)/+(x)

If you have 10 or more Cards in your hand, this Card summons with double stats and Rush.

When this Card enters the field, return all other friendly Cards to your hand, it then gains +1/+2 for each Card returned.

Thunder Bolt
Deal (x) Damage to the enemy Player for each Card they have on the field.

Time Warp
Force a Card to evolve (x) times.

Deal 3 Damage to any Card on the field, then 1 Damage to the rest of that field.

Every enemy including enemy Player takes (x) Damage. (Default 8)

Directly Damage the enemy Player for (x). (Default 4)

Wealth Tax
Each Player takes Damage equal to the amount of Cards in their hand.

Send any Card with (x) HP or less back to hand. (Default 5)

When you play a Card, deal (x) Damage to a random enemy Card. If there is no enemy Cards, deal Damage to opponents instead. (Default 1)

Draw the targets next evolution from your deck if possible, otherwise, just draw a Card.

Discard a Card from your hand to deal (x) Damage to the enemy Player.

When this Card is summoned or attacks, 2 random enemy Cards or Players are Damaged for 2, also zaps Cards that attack it.